Implement a custom Buy-Back solution at speed without affecting your tech Roadmap.

Our intuitive flow is deeply customised to your brand guidelines and loaded with your preferences and products at speed. Helping you to own products through their 2nd & 3rd lifecyles.


Your customer wants a hassle free and sustainable way to sell their products.

Your customer has a product they no longer use or want. They don’t want the hassle of dealing with enquiries or doorstep transactions when selling it online but it still has value and they don’t want to put it in landfill.


You offer our Buy-Back solution.

Whilst browsing your website they see that you, the retailer, offer our Buy-Back solution where they can easily upload their product for a credit at your store. You recoup the product and benefit from the resale revenue whilst increasing customer acquisition, encouraging brand admiration, and incentivising sustainable behaviours.


The customer follows our intuitive flow, customised to your brand guidelines.

They follow our intuitive flow that is deeply customised to your brand guidelines so you really own the journey, they upload their product information along with images and receive an estimated store voucher amount that we build into the system based on your preferences.


We carry out a digital assessment.

Returnal digitally assesses the submitted product and if suitable, accepts the product.


Free collection or parcel drop off is arranged.

Returnal facilitates the free collection from the customers home or the customer drops it at their local parcel drop off location.


The Buy-Back is directed to the appropriate resale channel.

This product can be cleaned/refurbished and returned direct to you, the retailer, or listed and sold with 100% of the net revenue returned to you.
Your original customer is then credited with the agreed voucher amount and returns to store driving conversions up.


You benefit from the 2nd & 3rd lifecycles of products while earning more brand ambassadors.

The customer feels good about making a sustainable choice and you’ve earned yourself another brand ambassador. You'll gain quality insights about customers' sustainable shopping habits helping to segment and retarget, maximising ROI on your marketing campaigns.