February 8, 2024

Are we, as consumers, collectively responsible for 'Greenstalling'?
That's the new label given to those avoiding concrete plans to move and publicise actions towards Net-Zero."Less than half of ESG decision makers feel they have the structure and leadership buy-in to deliver a transition plan and make net zero strategies part of business-as-usual."
So how is that our fault?
I think we are fighting ourselves to some extent. We demand more accountability from our favoured brands, but we're the first to treat their efforts with skepticism.It's a much more attention grabbing headline to catch out big names feeding us unsubstantiated claims than it is to acknowledge the challenges they face in being transparent about where they are now.
I'm not suggesting we should accept any and all claims without scrutiny - but it's a two-way relationship and, as this report suggests, there is so much fear around being called out that it's become safer not to act.
We must collaborate as consumers with retailers and the media if we are to allow an amnesty - where we can accept what we already know to be true...Current performance around Net-Zero is not good. Those bold enough to state the extent of that publicly should be credited and we must allow some room for them to explore how best to improve and be honest about that journey.
Perfection is the enemy of good.
We for one don't want to be responsible for preventing progress.
Do you?
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